• Residential Realtor Little Elm TX

Residential Realtor Little Elm TXIf you’re planning on selling your home this spring, now is the time to start getting your home ready.  When you enlist the help of a professional residential realtor in Little Elm TX, she’ll tell you how important it is that you make your home stand out in the crowd of homes on the market.  That doesn’t mean you have to plant animal-shaped topiaries or paint the house purple, it just means that you have to do a few things to make sure that your house doesn’t turn off buyers the minute they walk into your home.

The best way to make your home sellable is to think like a buyer.  Being objective about your home and the way it looks is hard.  Afterall, your home is decorated to suit your taste and lifestyle.  But if you can walk through it objectively, you’ll know what has to be done.  All of those little (and big) renovation projects you’ve been putting off have to be completed.  If you were a buyer looking for a home and you saw one in which half the kitchen cabinet doors were hanging off the hinges or a room was half-painted or the wooden floors were damaged, how would you react?  It’s doubtful your first reaction would be, ‘I need to buy this home.’  It’s more likely you’d either walk out or make an extremely low-ball offer to account for all the work you’d have to do.

While you’re thinking like a buyer, do the kind of research on your own home that you would if you were buying it.  Check property records to make sure everything is accurate.  Make sure your title report is clean and discuss with your residential realtor in Little Elm TX any items that you may have to disclose to sellers.  In addition, consider having your home inspected by a professional home inspector.  Any potential buyer for your home may be required to hire a home inspector before they can purchase your home; but when you hire one yourself, you’ll be many steps ahead because you’ll know about – and be able to fix – problems with your home that could sink the sale.  Don’t wait to be surprised by the buyer’s inspector.

Once you’ve take care of all the major items, think about staging your home.  If you’re thinking about a spring sale, you have plenty of time to declutter and depersonalize your home before buyers walk through.  Take the kids’ artwork off the refrigerator.  Put away family photos, trophies, framed certificates.  Take down any dust-gathering collectibles or anything that may be considered offensive or controversial.  Have space in cabinets and drawers, in the kitchen and bathrooms, for putting away items you still need but you don’t want to have laying out when you have showings.  If you can, remove large pieces of furniture that can make rooms look smaller like extra large sofas or king-size beds.  Not only will this decluttering and depersonalization help to sell your home, it will also allow you to start detaching emotionally from your home.

When you’re ready to sell, get the help of the best residential realtor in Little Elm TX, Alethea Busby.  Alethea Busby can help you to get your home ready for a quick sale this spring.   Call (972) 897-6525 or visit www.texashomehub.com.

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Photo Credit:  ©Depositphotos.com/   j o h n k w a n

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